
Frequent Answered Questions (FAQs)
see also About us
Library FAQs

Q1. How do I become a member of the Library?

A1. Staff employed by DHA, students undertaking Scholar by DHA; Interns & Residents by DHA and DMC 3rd year & above students need to complete the Library Membership Form available online at the library site: http://library.dha.gov.ae


Q2. How can I access the Library's online resources from Home / Mobile?

A2. As soon as you become a member, a login details will be sent to you with the name: MyAthens”. This login entitled you to access remotely from anywhere.


Q3. Does the Library have UpToDate?

A3. Yes. Registration is needed from any computer within DHA’s network at http://www.uptodate.com


Q4. What resources can I access on my mobile?

A4. All of the Library's online resources can be accessed via mobile devices by two ways: 

- via mobile browser at http://library.dha.gov.ae

- by downloading the Library App from AppStore or PlayStore.


Q5. What is the name of the Reference & Citation Manager available in DHA?

A5. RefWorks http://refworks.proquest.com is the available reference & citation manager in DHA and is free for all DHA staff and library members.


Q6. Can I get help with RefWorks? 

A6. Of course! To book a session on RefWorks (individual or group), please use the Ask Librarian Form


Q7. What are the approved medical search engines available in DHA Library? 

A7. PubMed, Ovid Medline & Google Scholar are the medical search engines used by DHA library.


Q8. How can I find out if the Library has a specific eJournal or eBook? 

A8. Open the Library Site http://library.dha.gov.ae and go to the Library Index AtoZ and type a keyword in the search box. Select between eJournals, eBooks or both.


Q9. Can I request an article the Library does not have? 

A9. Yes, you can. Just fill-in the Article Request Form available at Library Site http://library.dha.gov.ae


Q10. Can I book a Library orientation for staff/students?

A10. Yes! The library provide physical 1-hour orientation or online via WebEx. Just Contact us for further arrangements. See our contacts in this booklet.


Q11. Under which collection can I find the Evidence Based Medicine Resources? 

A11. Browse the Library Site http://library.dha.gov.ae and look for the tile “Point-Of-Care Collection (EBM).


Q12. What are the library resources accessible directly via Salama? 

A12. ClinicalKey, Medline Plus, UpToDate, Best Practice and Ask The Librarian Form are accessible directly via Salama